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Invitation for all Iceracing people
25.05.2008 - Sivuston ylläpito

(And of course all other riders) from all over the world.

Invitation to the international “MC 5-kamp” in Hedemora Sweden the 19 July 2008
IMN No 1018

This is an occasion to get iceracing people to meet in summertime in Sweden and just have some fun, and show that they manage to do their summer practise

First of all the race require an explanation.
It all started at 1990 when I wanted to appoint the best MC rider in all kind of surface and all kind of disciplines with the same bike and the same tyres. At that time it was a club championship with 30 riders in three classes. (Juniors, Adults, Quad racers). Now it use to be a bit over 200
Now we have 11 classes: 80cc 125cc 14yers, Elite, Juniors <23, Slower riders under35years, Slower riders ower35years, Classic bikes, Side cars, Quad Racers, Woman, Ice racing riders.
The trials are:
1, Supermoto on a rally cross/motocross track
2. Enduro mixed surface 12 min.
3. Road racing on a Go-kart track.
4. Dirt track on the Iceracing track
5. Drag racing on grass 125m and back

In each class we count the best time as 1 point and so on, so if you won have all trials in your class you got five points.

I can guarantee you that this will be one of the funniest MC races you ever have take part of, so bring the bike and your self to Hedemora for a ultimate weekend.

In the evening we will have a meeting for everyone who wants to have a barbeque party and really enjoy.

To take part of the race you need an international license or a starting permission from your federation that assure that you have all the necessary insurance for this race.
I will offer the starting fee for foreign iceracing riders

If you want to take part please contact.
Tomas Larsson
Home phone +46 225 13625 mobile phone +46 70 5608067

Sivuston ylläpito - 050-5624 801 -
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